Essential Heart Care Profile

They are CBC,URINE,Cholesterol Total, GOT,GPT,CPK,LDH,Sugar fasting test . Why is cardiac profile needed? Patient having history of high lipids, diabetes,obese are more prone to heart or cardiac problems. Thus a basic profile will help to monitor well being and funtioning of heart.

  • Reports On : With 90 Minutes*
  • Preparation : Fasting 8-10 Hrs

Package Includes :
1Essential Heart Care Profile

Fastest User Health Condition : Heart

Tag :Essential Heart Care Profile,Heart

Frequent :TRUE

No of Parameters : 108

Sample : -

2 6 part differantial CBC

Tag : 6 part differantial CBC

No of Parameters : 28

Sample : EDTA

3 Total T3T4TSH

Fastest User Health Condition : High Blood Pressure

Tag : Total T3T4TSH,High Blood Pressure

No of Parameters : 3

Sample :Serum


Fastest User Health Condition : Anemia

Tag :HBA1C,Anemia

No of Parameters : 2

Sample : EDTA

5 Lipid Profile (12 hr fasting), Serum

Fastest User Health Condition : Liver Disease

Tag :Lipid Profile (12 hr fasting), Serum,Liver Disease

No of Parameters : 8

Sample : Serum

6 Serum Electrolyte

Fastest User Health Condition : Liver Disease

Tag : Serum Electrolyte,Liver Disease

No of Parameters : 3

Sample : Serum

7 Renal Function Test

Fastest User Health Condition :Male and Female both

Tag :Renal Function Test,Male and Female both

No of Parameters : 6

Sample : Serum

8 Liver Function Test, Serum

Tag :Liver Function Test, Serum

No of Parameters : 10

Sample :Serum

9hs CRP (High Sensitive C Reactive Protein)

Tag : hs CRP (High Sensitive C Reactive Protein)

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : serum