Advanced Heart Care Profile

These tests are to know about the functioning of the heart. Best for people who are Young and want to understand how their current heart health is, and how it is affecting the other organs in their body. The package also includes tests for diabetes, iron deficiency, lipid profile levels, kidney health, and thyroid.

  • Reports On : With 90 Minutes*
  • Preparation : Fasting 8-10 Hrs

Package Includes :
1 Advanced Heart Care Profile

Fastest User Health Condition : High Blood Pressure

Tag : Advanced Heart Care Profile,High Blood Pressure

Frequent : FALSE

No of Parameters : 68

Sample : -


Fastest User Health Condition : Diabetes

Tag : HOMOCYSTEINE,Diabetess

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Serum

3 Iron Studies, Serum

Fastest User Health Condition : Heart

Tag : Iron Studies, Serum,Heart

No of Parameters : 4

Sample : Serum

4 Vitamin B12

Tag : Vitamin B12

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Serum

5 Vitamin D3

Tag : Vitamin D3,Anemia

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Serum


Tag : APO B / APO A1 RATIO (APO B/A1),Liver Disease

No of Parameters : 3

Sample : serum

7hs CRP (High Sensitive C Reactive Protein)

Tag : hs CRP (High Sensitive C Reactive Protein),Age 30-60

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : serum


Tag : HBA1C,Male and Female both

No of Parameters : 2

Sample : EDTA

9 Serum Electrolyte

Tag : Serum Electrolyte

No of Parameters : 3

Sample : Serum

10 Renal Function Test

Tag :Renal Function Test

No of Parameters : 6

Sample : Serum

11 Liver Function Test

Tag : Liver Function Test

No of Parameters : 10

Sample : Serum

12 Lipid Profile (12 hr fasting), Serum

Tag : Lipid Profile (12 hr fasting), Serum,

No of Parameters : 8

Sample : Serum

13 6 part differantial CBC

Tag : 6 part differantial CBC

No of Parameters : 28

Sample : EDTA