Fever Panel

Our Fever Panel Profile is a comprehensive diagnostic package specifically designed to identify the underlying causes of fever, helping with accurate diagnosis and timely treatment. This advanced profile includes tests for Malaria, Dengue, Typhoid, Liver Infection, and Leptospira, covering a wide range of possible fever-inducing diseases.

Why Choose the Advanced Fever Profile?

Unexplained fever can be a worrisome and challenging condition. Our Fever Profile goes beyond routine fever assessments to provide a comprehensive evaluation of various potential fever-causing factors. It empowers individuals to accurately diagnose the cause of their fever, ensuring timely and effective treatment.

Invest in your health by booking our Fever Profile. It equips you with the knowledge and insights needed to address the underlying cause of your fever and improve your overall well-being.

  • Reports On : With 90 Minutes
  • Sample Type : Urine
  • Preparation : No Fasting Required

Fever Panel Test
1 Urine Routine
2 Liver Function Test
3 LEPTOSPIRA IgM Rapid Immunoasaay
4 Typhoid Antibodies
5 Dengue NS1+IgG+IgM
6 Rapid Malerial Antigen