Essential Cancer Screen Profile Female

Women ages 21 – 29 should get a Pap smear every three years. Women ages 30 – 65 should have an HPV test every five years, a Pap test every three years, or a combination every five years. Women 65 and older, who have had regular cervical cancer testing in the past 10 years with normal results, may forgo testing.

  • Reports On : With 90 Minutes*
  • Preparation : Non Fasting

Package Includes :
1Essential Cancer Screen Profile Female

Fastest User Health Condition : Male

Tag : Essential Cancer Screen Profile Female,Female

Frequent :False

No of Parameters : 36

Sample : -

2 Serum LDH

Fastest User Health Condition : Cancer screen

Tag : Serum LDH,Cancer screen

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Serum

3 Thyroglobulin (Tg)

Fastest User Health Condition : Diabetes

Tag :Thyroglobulin (Tg)

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : EDTA


Tag : CA-15.3

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : serum

5 Alpha Feto Protein

Tag : Alpha Feto Protein

No of Parameters : 1

Sample :Serum

6 Carcino Embryonic Antigen

Tag :Carcino Embryonic Antigen

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Serum

7 CA-125

Tag : CA-125

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Serum

8 CA-19.9

Tag :CA-19.9

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Serum

9 Beta HCG

Tag :Beta HCG

No of Parameters : 28

Sample : EDTA

10 6 part differantial CBC

Tag : 6 part differantial CBC

No of Parameters : 28

Sample : EDTA