Comprehensive Total Body Check Up

The Full Body Checkup - Comprehensive includes doctor curated tests for liver, kidneys, sugar, thyroid, cholesterol, blood, urine and more. In addition to all the benefits of Full Body Checkup - Advanced, this checkup provides tests for arthritis, pancreatic health, extensive cardiac risk markers, bone health and cancer risk. This checkup is your one stop solution in answering all your health related queries.

  • Reports On : With 90 Minutes*
  • Preparation : Fasting

Package Includes :
1Comprehensive Total Body Check Up

Fastest User Health Condition : Male

Tag : Comprehensive Total Body Check Up,Male

Frequent :False

No of Parameters : 86

Sample : -


Fastest User Health Condition :Female

Tag : HBA1C

No of Parameters : 2

Sample : EDTA

3Urine Routine

Tag : Urine Routine

No of Parameters : 22

Sample : Urine

4 Glucose, Fasting

Tag :Glucose, Fasting

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Plasma

5Vitamin B12

Tag : Vitamin B12

No of Parameters : 1

Sample : Serum

6Vitamin D3

Tag : Vitamin D3

No of Parameters : 3

Sample : Serum

7 Total T3T4TSH

Tag :Total T3T4TSH

No of Parameters : 3

Sample : Serum

8 Lipid Profile (12 hr fasting), Serum

Tag : Lipid Profile (12 hr fasting), Serum

No of Parameters : 8

Sample : Serum

9 Renal Function Test

Tag : Renal Function Test

No of Parameters : 6

Sample : Serum

10 Liver Function Test, Serum

Tag : Liver Function Test, Serum

No of Parameters : 10

Sample : Serum

11 6 part differantial CBC

Tag : 6 part differantial CBC

No of Parameters : 28

Sample : EDTA